Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Now, you have to understand that I am a firm disbeliever in the hallmark created holiday known as V-Day (see how much it sounds like D-Day. Look that up, the resemblance is uncanny.) Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those I-am-single-and-therefore-must-hate-any-reference-to-happy-couples-or-succesful-relationships types of people. Even when I have a ‘significant other’ the day does not induce the usual warm fuzzy feeling that I assume all ‘happy’ people get on that day in eager anticipation of flowers to show off to their friends and co-workers, or the thrill that they get from trying to decipher their lover’s cryptic actions that usually introduce some wonderfully romantic surprise. Likewise, I do not feel the need to go out and strangle small children and hurt fluffy animals. Fluffy animals are cute. So I guarantee you, if you are one of those fortunate enough to be in a good relationship on Valentine’s Day good for you, I am not here to rain on your parade.
Just to prove this to you I will tell you about my last V-Day, February 14th 2009. Consider it a prequel. I had spent the night at my friend’s house but left early because she had a piano lesson (I’m not kidding, her mom was all “I don’t care what day it is! Play, child play!!”). I went to the cinema with two of my other friends (girls, mind you) and walked around for a good four hours listening to the sappy music they were playing on the PA. We sat in the park, got some drinks, had some ice cream I believe, and chose a movie to go see (yes, I have a park and an ice cream parlour in my cinema, don’t you?) I feel the need to mention here the fact that in such a small crime ridden city the only thing to do really is go to the cinema, teenagers can’t really do much or go anywhere on their own. Later that day, still at the cinema, my boyfriend of that time came to meet me and whisk me away from my friends. But we went to see the same movie they did. I sat in the back with him, my friends sat in the front together, and we all (including the rest of the audience) watched the romantic comedy in polite silence (which in my place of abode means that only a few people felt the need to interact with the characters on the screen). And then it was over. He went home, and I went home and the day ended nice and simply. That was it. Maybe you are starting to understand why I have little appreciation for this exaggerated ‘holiday’.

As you can imagine this year, single and looking for a bit more excitement in life, I decided to do it better. “I WILL ONE UP YOU V-DAY!!” I declared to the day as I awoke to the sounds of birds chirping outside my window- no lie, they are actually insanely loud and annoying when they want to be, which is always (post on this to follow, I promise). The day started off quite well, I stayed home in front of the TV watching Lifetime movies and eating a home made cheese steak. Now, some of you might hear ‘cheese-steak’ and think, “oh, she was having a sandwich. How scrumptious.” Sandwich it was not; I grilled up a seasoned slab of meat and melted some cheese on top. Scrumptious it most certainly was. After polishing off that and my loaded baked potato I called my friend, one of the very same friends I had spent last year’s V-Day with, and inquired about the party we were both supposed to be going to that evening with none other than… our parents. I told you it was gonna be a good one!
As the sun set I donned my elegantly casual dress and heels and calmed my mother down as she flipped the fuck out about not knowing what to wear. Then we left. We arrived after my friend so I quickly ditched the ‘rents and found her amidst the throng of party goers (all three times our age, mind you.) We headed straight for the bar. After two or three Portugal mojitos- possibly the best drink ever made- we worked up enough courage stand flirtatiously close to a rather large group of young men that seemed to get more attractive as the night wore on. This is where things got interesting.
One of them came over and started talking to my friend immediately. This didn’t bother me; I downed another drink and waited patiently for one of his friends. Soon enough one ventured over. He was tall, well built and –for lack of a better description- white. He had a bit of a tan but there was no denying that he was white. This was made most evident by the shine of his big bald scalp that- I kid you not- I could see my reflection in when he turned around. As an added bonus he had huge, I mean Huge ears. He was a nice enough fellow and we had a nice chat, but I soon lost interest- I mean he was bald for christ’s sake!
The next candidate, picked out for me personally by my friend’s new suitor, was much better. He was also well built, not as tall, wore a deep green shirt (I think) that brought out the colour of his eyes (I think) and had a full head of dark brown hair (of this much I am sure). This one I took a liking to quite quickly. And then he opened his mouth. We talked for a couple minutes, in which he tried to get me to follow him back to that bar, which I politely declined on more than one occasion. It became very clear very quickly that he had had even more to drink than I had. His speech was slurred, his breath was thick, and his expressive nature seemed to be amplified tenfold. He seemed to feel the need to express all of his excitement simply by screaming Boom. Here are a couple examples:
Him: “Where are you from?”
Me: “Here.”
Him: “Boom!”
Him: “What school do you go to?”
Me: “I am going to Brown in the fall.” (I felt the need to deceive him only slightly at this point)
Him: “Boom!!”
Or, my personal favourite
Him: “Do you wanna go get another drink?”
Me: “No thanks, I’ve had enough. I don’t need to drink to have a good time.”
Him: “You’re pretty and responsible! BOOM!”
After a while my head started to hurt. He was so very loud and standing so very close to me. I am sorry to say but shortly after I lead him to the dance-floor under false pretences and (thanks to my slight figure and quick feet) managed to slip away.
Following this my parents declared that they were ready to leave that instant, and as my friend was coming home with me and we had no other ride (obviously not trusting this group of borderline paedophiliac highly intoxicated men) we had to go with them. My friend’s suitor was obviously not happy about this as he had, as of yet, got no rewards for the time and effort he had spent half his night on. Having taken a ‘bathroom break’ we had to quickly get our bearings and decide whether she should throw herself at him or make a quick escape. We chose escape. Weaving through the masses of very drunk old people we found our way to the exit and managed to flee just as he found her at the gate. The expression on his face made the whole night worth it.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It's official

I'm sorry I haven't really been posting anything new lately. It's for two main reasons:
1) I went to Boston! :D woohoo haha I just got back yesterday from Model United Nations in Boston Massachusetts. Coming from Trinidad and Tobago it was absolutely amazing to be in such a cold pretty city. I was swamped with MUN work before and during though, which would be why my blog has been son neglected.
2) I started a new project. It's official, I have a youtube channel. Guys, I'm a vlogger! :O :) If you enjoy this writen blog hopefully you'll like my youtube videos. Go check it out, I wanna be famous! Just kidding (but not really)

I haven't decided yet if I am converting completely or if I will try to maintain both my written and video blogs, but for the time being I'm still trying to figure out the whole youtube thing.

This is my channel:
I have three whole videos up.

I hope you like it as much as I like making it!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011