Just a regular day...
Exams are rapidly approaching and with each new day I feel increasingly more unprepared. It is terrifying.
I have always hated exams. Possibly because I do not perform well under pressure, when aware of the fact that one thing is ‘worth more’ or ‘harder’ or ‘more important’ than another I freeze up and freak out. And then I have a meltdown. Or it could be because I fear failure like an arachnophobe fears tap dancing spiders in top hats, and when an examination is looming I undoubtedly always convince myself that I am going to fail (in my high level of self inflicted pressure a C+ constitutes as failing…) And then I have a meltdown. It could be both.
Nevertheless, it is almost 10pm on a Friday night and I am sitting at home mentally preparing myself to study for AP World History. So far the closest I have come to this for the day is watching Pearl Harbour and attempting to play my ‘spot the historical inaccuracies’ game. The rules are if I can spot something that is historically inaccurate, I win. Simple ☺ However I got distracted by the steamy love triangle and Josh Hartnett’s sex appeal so I think I lost at my own game.
My next attempt was to down vitamin-C to keep me from falling asleep on myself and review what I was supposed to have done in class today. Instead I am writing this post.
Maybe the answer behind the great mystery of my exam phobia is my instinctive procrastination. Combined with my attention span to rival that of a severe ADHD sufferer I really have no hope of studying productively. So I will find fun/educational youtube videos by typing ‘AP World History’ in the search bar. Though, I admit, I have already tried this approach as well. I got distracted by the suggested viewing section to the right and ended up looking at video blogs by rather attractive entertaining 19 year old British folk.
At this point in time, however, I have come to the decision that it would be more advantageous to both my health and intelligence to stop fighting it and turn in for the night. I will resume the futile studying tomorrow.