Monday, November 15, 2010

hello world?.../I LOVE ORANGE JUICE

Hello world.
I'm just gonna come out and say it: Quite frankly my blog and I are feeling rather neglected these days. I was talking to some friends the other day and they were all “oh yeah, I haven’t read your blog in a while”. And on the outside, of course I was all cool and collected like “oh, that thing!” but really I died a little. I actually went in to a downward spiral of circular thoughts and innate ideas (just learnt that in history! Even though It’s most probably out of context) wherein I was thinking ‘if my friends, who I see on an every day basis won’t even read my blog why would anyone on the world wide web want to? Why do I exist? Ahhhh!” I realised that this is sounding rather desperate and pathetic so do me a favour and imagine the entire thing in the voice of a character from Teen Girl Squad. If you don’t know what Teen Girl Squad is we can’t be friends (although not really, ‘cause I’m desperate here guys!) If you are reading though, post a comment, or send me a message (can you do that?) or better yet, tell all your friends I'm cool!

I couldn’t think of anything particularly funny to post because I have recently got myself addicted to some pretty great vlogs. Well, two really, but still... I find the video much more enthralling than my boring text and the stream of consciousness (now I’m throwing in some English vocab! I’m such a nerd) is much funnier. Anyhooooo on a lighter note! I love orange juice. Yeah, I said. Except... there’s a catch. I actually don’t like any orange juice that isn’t fresh squeezed. Sorry, I’m an orange snob. I just find drinking it out of a box or a carton or whatever you want to call that is so unnatural! And any thing that comes out of a box and has ‘pulp’ is worrying if you ask me. That being said a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice is my favourite thing ever. Once I had a ridiculously bad day and I came home to find fresh squeezed orange juice and suddenly I was happy again. Is that sad? It is kind of sad, but that doesn’t matter because no one is reading this anyway! :P Seriously though, fresh squeezed orange juice is like liquid heaven. Yum ☺


  1. Even holland reads and folloows it haha

  2. hahaha yes!! Well this is encouraging :D guess I have to think of a new post now :P

  3. I guess you write it not for those who see you on a daily basis, but more for us who don't just saying. its either that or you write it for yourself. and yeah i totally heart your blog.

  4. suffice to say neither my blog or myself feel neglected anymore :) new post soon, I promise!
