Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Feelings are strange, uncontrollable things.
Feelings set the course for our relationships, our friendships, and ourselves.
Feelings are like the compass we use to navigate when we are unsure, like the flashlight we use to illuminate the dark unknown. We resent the compass when it leads us astray; get angry with the flashlight when its beam is too dim. Yet we would be even more lost without them.

Relationships are founded in and strengthened by our feelings. When I say relationships I mean friendships too, because they are the same as romantic relationships, if not more significant and important.

Friendships teach us how to trust; how to rely on other people when we need them most and to appreciate them for always being there for us. They teach us how to communicate; how to say when something small is bothering us so it does not become something big. Friendships teach us to give each other space, but to know we will always be there for one another. They teach you how to form other relationships and still have faith in the one, or few, best friends that mean the most to you. They teach you how to overcome, and to always hold on to those you love.
Romance comes and goes but friends only leave you when you give up on them. So don’t give up, it’s as simple as that.

A friendship is like a map. If you can form a caring, trusting, mutually exclusive friendship you are drawing your own map for other relationships in life.
A friend teaches you to love a sibling.
A friend teaches you to love romantically. Because if you cannot be friends with a partner first your map is incomplete, you will get lost (but that’s not to say you won’t have fun along the way).

Friends are the most important people in your life; so unless you have a very good reason to never, ever let them go. If they are true friends they won’t let you go either.

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