Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy 2013

Better late than never:
This time last year I wrote a post about how good 2011 was for me. I wrote that I had seen so much, learned so much, and loved so much that year. I don’t want to repeat myself so I will not say that 2012 has been just as good if not better to me. Splitting the year between living in 3 different cities in Italy and discovering Boston has been a gift in many ways. It was an eventful, educational, exciting year and I loved every minute of it.

This time last year I wrote my five news years resolutions to share them with the world so I would have no excuse not to keep them. They were as follows:
1. Stop making excuses:
For the most part I’d say this was a success. I didn’t always live by this resolution but when I did I experienced some truly great moments. I took life by the hand and ran with it and though by the end I was out of breath (because I’m out of shape) it was worth every stride.

2. Be better at long distance communication:
It was slow and steady, but I would say I improved at maintaining the friendships that matter. Thank god for facebook, skype, and having a US number.

3. Stop being so lazy:
Yeah, maybe, almost. I still like to take a lot of naps. I can’t accomplish every resolution at once can I :P

4.Accomplish at least one thing on my bucket list:
I accomplished two! I not only went to Venice and lived there for a month and wrote some of my favourite blog posts from the watery streets I learned to call home, but after that I was lucky enough to see one of my favourite musicians perform live with one of my favourite people. Check, and check!

5.Allow myself to get hurt:
This I did and did not do. I took risks to the best of my ability. I did not fall but I threw myself into relationships and moments that could potentially hurt me. Whether they did or not is irrelevant because I took the chance and experienced the vulnerability that makes us human, and the warmth of heart that makes the risk worthwhile. I’m still falling, I have not hit the ground yet. (Though I did fall down the stairs a couple of times…)

Suffice to say 2012 was both scintillating and successful. I look forward to 2013 and all it has to offer.
This year I have only one resolution: to enjoy it. I hope you all do the same.

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