Dear world, I am not perfect.
I try to be a good friend. I go out of my way for others and I never really ask the same. I bend over backwards because my friends’ happiness is 90% of my happiness (and their troubles are 90% of my troubles). It’s just who I am. I give 100% 100% of the time, but sometimes it still isn’t enough. Sometimes I’m distant or sometimes I need to be a little bit selfish.
I try to be a perfect student. I care about my classes. I study when I have an exam and I do my homework always and to the best of my ability. I write papers like my life depends on it! Yet I am not a straight A student and don’t know how to give any more to my work than I already give.
I try to have my life in order. I worked a summer internship, a campus job for class credit, I stressed about finding a Coop and would not settle for anything but what I thought I deserved. Yet I have never had a paying job so what does that say about my expertise?
I try to be a good girlfriend. But crying to my boyfriend and making my problems his own is not fair to him.
I try to sleep. I wake up, go to class, go to work, do my homework, spend time with friends, and try to find a minute to myself. By then I end up lying in bed at 1 am having a sordid affair with insomnia.
I try to be a good blogger, but sometimes life gets in the way.
I am a good sister. I think. I am a good daughter. I hope. I am good. I try to be good in everything I do. What if trying isn’t enough? I stretch myself too thin and I’m thin enough already.
Dear world, I am not perfect, so please cut me some slack.
You don't need to be good at everything, just the things that you never thought you would be good at, the rest falls into place. Love you.