Thursday, September 30, 2010

Unconditional Love

Anyone who knows me should know that I don’t throw around the word ‘love’ a lot. Actually, that’s a lie, yes I do, but I don’t mean it as the romantic chocolate and roses nauseating definition. I have kind of made my own varying definitions for love, which usually lean either towards lust or idolization. In this case, I am going with full-fledged idolizing.
I could list men all day that I admire in some way or another, fictional, celebrity or otherwise. Jason Mraz, for one, Sam Winchester (though he gets kind of winy) Dean Winchester, Ned from Pushing Daisies, Charlie McDonnell, Topher Brink, Leonardo DiCaprio, Dorian Gray, Christopher Nolan, Atticus Finch, Rorschach, Prospect from Sons of Anarchy and so on. I’m sure there are about a hundred names that I left out of that list, but with great effort and precision I have managed to narrow my long list of ideal men down to four supreme beings whom I really and truly ‘love’:

4. Bob Dylan… ‘nuff said

3. Eminem- this man has managed to rise from living in a trailer park with his borderline insane mother (I mean no offense, I’m only going off the details in your songs Marshall) to being one of the most successful rap artists to date. I don’t care much for the age old rags to riches story, I mean good for him but that’s not what gets me, honestly as much as I respect the man its not really his persona at all that gets me. It’s his lyrics. Though I suppose, arguably, his lyrics are a part of him and his persona. It’s the circle of (rap) life. Eminem’s lyrics are sharp, meaningful, entertaining, thought provoking, funny, witty, intelligent, vulgar, obscene and just a little bit controversial. There is no lyricist I respect and admire more than my man Marshall Mathers. Plus, he seems like an incredible father, so there’s that.

2. Bruce Wayne, better known as Batman- who needs superpowers when you are a multi millionaire crime fighting vigilante play boy? I don’t care what anyone says I will argue this point to my dying day. Batman is, and always will be the coolest. What with all his bat-gadgets, his kick ass marshal arts skills, all that money and his undeniable charm Bruce Wayne is without a doubt the perfect man. Overlooking the fact that he is fictional, of course, even I’m not that delusional!

And now, the moment you have all been waiting for….
Number 1…
Lionel Messi
No words could describe the love I have in my heart for this man. In my eyes he is the best football player in the world (Christiano Ronaldo can suck it, that snivelling little fool). I may identify with him because of his growth deficiency, but he over came that and it made him the amazing man that he is today. Messi is adorable, humble, driven, successful, and awe inspiring. Before I saw this man play in the world cup four years ago I never enjoyed football, either as a spectator sport or an activity. Watching him play for Argentina back in 2007, sitting at home alone in my living room in Holland I can honestly say I fell in love. The way he plays the ball, bypasses the defence and gracefully rockets it into the opponents net is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I mean it when I say I can love no man like I love Lionel Messi. There will always be a special place in my heart for all 5 feet, 7 inches of him. Get well soon, Messi!

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