Sunday, September 23, 2012

Crash into me

Life is a series of collisions.
We collide with a doctor’s waiting hands at birth, collide with a stranger on the street or a person we are destined to love, collide with a wall or a door or a moment and our lives change forever. Life is not measured by the things we did and did not do. It is measured by the experiences we have and the impact that we leave.

Sometimes you simply collide and keep on going; some interactions are a hit and run. But then there are the few, the memorable few who you crash into. You crash and then you are never the same. You crash and a part of them is embedded in you, or you in them. Like the exchanged paint on a car’s bumper that has collided with another car’s fender.
Sometimes they break you. The crash leaves you broken and bruised, damaged seemingly beyond repair. But then you pound out the dents and get a new paint job and if you’re lucky you’re better than new. Sometimes the crash hurts you or scares you, but it can always be fixed. You can always be fixed.
And sometimes it’s a good crash. Sometimes the dents are good and the scratches heal on their own and you are better off because of it. These crashes, these people are the best friends, the college roommates, the first loves and almost first loves. You crash into them and you are never the same.

Collide, and your life will begin.

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