Saturday, March 30, 2013

Love is a choice

I had a bad day:
I had an exam, and the clouds stole the sun. I was happy, and then the night stole my joy. I felt helpless, alone, unsatisfied, upset. I went for a long walk in the middle of the night. I was cold. I didn’t want to get out of bed, I didn’t want to go to class.


I had a good day:
I did well on my exam, and the sun played peek-a-boo. I ate lunch with a friend. When I went for a walk my friend insisted she keep me company: she listened, she wiped my tears, she held me. I started my day with a hug and a kiss from my boyfriend. I was not alone.

As I walked home, alone for the moment but far from lonely, I looked up at the setting sun. The clouds may have been encroaching, but it made for a vibrant pink wash of sky. I fell in love.
Love is not only person to person, not between a man and a woman (or two men or two women), or between friends, or family members. Love is everything, love is all around. Love is the pink in the sky as shadows grow long. Love is the uncontrollable smile when walking alone. Love is the companionship of a friend when you are at your lowest, the kiss of a boy when you are at your best, and your own strength through everything in between. Life is love. Love is a choice, not a gift. You choose to love the life you live, choose to appreciate the pink sky and long shadows. That choice is what makes us human. The precarious balance of loneliness and love, sadness and joy, is what makes us human. Whichever one you choose, it is your choice, and that is what is important.

Choose love.

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