It doesn't seem right. It doesn't seem right that after I got the phone call that morning I went about my day as usual. I took a shower; I went to class; I walked in a fashion show, even- but none of it felt right. The world shouldn't just keep spinning on its axis, life shouldn't just keep going. Not when someone just lost theirs.
Leah, my little Leah, my sweet cousin Leah, was 3 years old when she was diagnosed with cancer. The doctors told us she didn't have much hope. They told us she didn't have much time: a year at best, they said. She survived her fifth birthday, and her fifth Christmas. That's what my Leah did, she survived. When she was too weak to walk, she crawled, and when she lost the ability to speak, she still remembered to smile.
The last time I saw Leah we were at the beach. It started to rain and everyone, including me, ran for cover. But, not Leah. She ran away from her mum, who was hiding from the rain with the rest of us, and went out and danced in the downpour. I swear the sun came back out just for her.
On Friday morning, my mum called to tell me that little Leah had passed away, and nothing has felt right since then. The world should know. Everyone should know that the world lost a beautiful soul that morning. Everyone should stop and mourn.
My little Leah inspired me every day. Though I haven't seen her since that day on the beach she has, and always will, inspire me to dance in the sun in spite of the rain. For the last year and a half every wish I made was for her recovery. All I wish now is that she is in a better place, that her suffering is over, and that she can keep dancing in the rain.
I will always love you, Leah.
Rest in Peace.
Beautiful tribute Tara.