Saturday, July 31, 2010

I'm going to Cyprus, and you're not!

That's right, I said it. I'm flying to Cyprus and you are NOT. Sucks to be you.

Actually it sucks to be me because I have been stuck in my boring house all Summer. But now, three weeks before it comes to a painful end, I'm FINALLY getting out. Tomorrow I fly to London, overnight with my godmother whom I love dearly, and then catch a plane to Cyprus where my mum lives now.
After two weeks there I head to New York for another week, hopefully of shopping all day and partying all night (if only I had the money…) and then, and only then, I come back here for… wait for it… school.

So, other than to bore you with my late but great Summer plans and to rub it in your face that I AM GOING TO CYPRUS AND YOU'RE NOT! this post is mainly to inform you that I will be away for three weeks and therefore will not be posting anything in that time. I'd like to think it's because I won't be awake at 1:31 in the morning, bored and with nothing better to do with my life. But really it is because I am leaving my laptop here.

Try not to miss me too much.

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